(1) 句子的歸納
A) Microwave ovens have eliminated many of the inconveniences previously associated with the preparation of meals.
B) Many foods can go directly from the freezer to the microwave oven without being defrosted.
C) Many microwave ovens can be pre-set to cook food while you are away from the kitchen.
D) The microwave oven has greatly reduced the amount of time it takes to cook a meal.
題中四句話都提到微波爐的好處,其中B、C、D 分別從方便、解凍、定時三個不同的方面具體講述微波爐不同于傳統(tǒng)炊具的優(yōu)勢,而A則從整體上覆蓋了上述三句的內(nèi)容,故A是對B、C、D的概括,上述分析、尋找最具概括意義之選項(xiàng)的過程即為歸納過程。推而廣之,我們可用之于段落和短文主題的歸納。