1.aero-: concerning the air or aircraft;
2.anti-: against, opposite of;
3.auto-: of or by oneself;
4.be-: to treat as the stated thing;
5.bi-: two, twice, double;
6.bio-: concerning living things;
7.by-, bye-: less important;
8.centi-: hundredth part of a unit;
9.co-: together, with;
10.col-: (used before l) together, with;
11.com-: (used before b, m, p) together, with;
12.con-: together, with;
13.contra-: opposite
14.cor-: (used before r) together, with;
15.counter-: opposite;
16.cross-: across, going between the stated things and joiningthem;
17.de-: showing an opposite, to remove, to reduce;
18.dis-: not, the opposite of;1
19.em-: (used before b, m, p) to cause to become;
20.en-: to cause to become;
21.ex-: former (and still living)
22.extra-: outside, beyond;
23.fore-: in advance, before, in or at the front;
24.il-: (used before l) not;
25.im-: (used before b, m, p) not;
26.in-: not;
27.infra-: below in a range, beyond;
28.inter-: between, among;
29.intra-: inside, within, into;
30.ir-: (used before r) not;
31.kilo-: thousand;
32.macro-: large, esp. concerning a whole system rather thanparticular parts of;
33.mal-: bad or badly;
34.micro-: extremely small;
35.mid-: middle;
36.mini-: small, short;
37.mis-: bad or badly, wrong or wrongly;
38.mono-: one, single;
39.multi-: more than one, many;
40.non-: not;
41.out-: outside, beyond;
42.over-: too much, above, additional;
43.poly-: many;
44.post-: later than, after;
45.pre-: before, in advance;
46.pro-: in favor of, supporting;
47.pseudo-: not real, false;
48.re-: again, back to the former state;
49.self-: by means of oneself or itself, of, to, with, for, or inoneself or itself;
50.semi-: half, partly;
51.step-: not by birth but through a parent who has remarried;
52.sub-: under, below, less important, part of the stated biggerwhole;
53.super-: more, larger, greater than usual;
54.tele-: at or over a long distance, by or for television;
55.therm(o)-: concerning heat;
56.trans-: across, on or to the other side of, between;
57.tri-: three, three times;
58.ultra-: beyond, very, extremely;
59.un-: not;
60.under-: too little, below;
61.uni-: one, single;
62.vice-: next in the rank; below.