(sh)ԺУоWԇԇAΕԇδ쵽ĿӢZ кܴһԺУôWӢZ ԇ}˼fи ԇ}MМyԇ@Щԇ}ж漰Ԓ@ҪԒеĸl~R쾚ڱ҂?yu)ҿY(ji)ČWУyЈ~Rϣӛb
һ WУ
major---I(y) course---n intensive course---Ӗn
distance education unitsh̽n course duration---n̕rL
lecture---vn tutorial---Сn session---W
timetable---n a timetable clash---rg_ͻ
credit points---W core subjects---n
elective/optional/selective subject---xn mandatory subject---n
syllabus--- ̌WV textbook---n lecture notes---vx
internship--- practicum---`n seminar---ӑ
academic year---W exemption--- commencement date---_W
application form---Ո applicant---Ո register---ע
enrolment---ӛ Letter of Recommendation---]
Letter of Offer---ȡ֪ͨ Letter of Conditional Offer---Зlȡ֪ͨ
deadline---ֹ scholarship---W orientation week---W
placement textWּyԇ midterm exam---пԇ final exam---ĩԇ
essay---СՓ paper/thesis/dissertation---Փ supervisor---ָώ
proposal---_} literature review---īIC
handouts---ώl(f)oWӡvx journal---ӛ extension---
attendance rate--- questionnaire---{(dio)醖 hypothesis---O(sh)
plagiarism---` assignment/task---I(y) qualification---Y|(zh)
case study--- student number---W̖ academic record---ɿ
information desk---ԃ̎ available---ɽ赽 reserve---Aӆ
due day--- renew---m(x) computing facilities---XO(sh)
study spaces---W^(q) student ID---WC journal---ڿ
brochure/manual---փ overdue--- fine---P
index--- category--- catalogue---Ŀ
reception desk---ǰ_ resume/CV---v cover letter---
fulltime job---ȫ part-time job--- casual job---Rr
interview---ԇ interviewer---ԇ interviewee---ԇ
vacancy---ȱλ educational background---
work experience---(jng)v promotion---x
labor contract---ڄӺͬ quit---o certificate---C
savings account---~ credit account---~ checking account---֧Ʊ~
deposit--- withdraw---ȡ joint account---(lin)~
debit card---ӛ credit card---ÿ cheque book---֧Ʊ
interest rate--- exchange rate---R NetBank---W(wng)y
term deposit---ڴ mortgage--- home loan---סJ
annual fee---M interest-free repayment period---oϢ߀
credit limit---J~ travelers check---֧Ʊ cash cheque---F(xin)֧Ʊ
personal loan---J transaction---D(zhun)~ branch---
2014{(dio)Ϣ | l(f){(dio)Ϣ | {(dio)^(q) | {(dio)ָ
2014Џԇ֔(sh) | ԇ֔(sh) | Џԇָ
2022Џԇ(lin)ϵЩע | 04-28 | |
2022ЏԇԇҊ} | 04-28 | |
2022꿼Џԇԇشᆖ | 04-28 | |
2022Џԇô⾏⽹]đB(ti) | 04-27 | |
2022꿼ЏԇE[B | 04-27 | |
2022꿼ЏԇӢZΜʂ | 04-26 | |
2022꿼ЏԇӢZZҊʽ | 04-26 | |
2022꿼ЏԇĂ(ji) | 04-26 | |
2022Џԇʂ䣺cr | 04-26 | |
2022ЏԇԇľCϼ | 04-26 | |