accelerate vt (ʹ)
accelerate the rate of economic growthٽ(jng)(j)L(zhng)
ɣacceleration n accelerating a ٵ
boost vt Ƅ(dng)ʹL(zhng)n Ƅ(dng)L(zhng)
boost the economyƄ(dng)(jng)(j)L(zhng)
ɣbooster n ֧ߣƄ(dng)
mushroom vi ѸٳL(zhng)nĢ
sth Mushroom ٳL(zhng)/
flourish vi sïʢ; vt](dng)
the nations economy willflourish(gu)ҽ(jng)(j)sl(f)չ
thrive vi ds
The company managed to thrive after a recession(jng)(j)˥˺ԓ˾O(sh)d
impose vt ѡ(qing);
impose on/uponѡ(qing)
to impose local taxյط
ɣimposing a ^y
restore vt ֏(f)ޏ(f);w߀߀
restore the economy to full strengthȫ֏(f)(jng)(j)l(f)չ
ɣrestoration n ޏ(f)
revive v ʹ(f)Kvi֏(f)
The economy of these areas is beginning to revive@ЩطĽ(jng)(j)_ʼ(f)K
soar vi w;(w)ߝq
Oil prices have soared in recent weeksʯ̓r(ji)
squeeze vt Dե;nד(j)oȱ;
financial squeezeؔ(ci)y
exceed vt ^Խ
The benefits exceed $10 million(rn)^1ǧfԪ
ɣexceeding a ^;exceedingly ad dz
allocate vt 䣬 ѡܽo
allocate money for the projecto(xing)Ŀܿ
ɣallocation n o
slash vt ;p;n б̖(ho)
slashed red tapeĿd(ji)
slash fares by about 30% pƱr(ji)30%
negotiate vt ǢՄ;ͨ^vif(xi)
to negotiate the cooperation itemsՄй˾(xing)Ŀ
ɣnegotiation n Մnegotiable a Ʌf(xi)̵
distribute vtְl(f);ɢ
Milk has been distributed to the local shopsţѽ(jng)ְl(f)(dng)?sh)̵?/P>
ɣdistribution n ְl(f);distributed a ֲ
distributor n l(f)
substantial a Y(ji)(sh);(sh)|(zh);
substantial investmentPͶY
bankrupt a Ʈa(chn)ģصȱv ʹƮa(chn)n Ʈa(chn)
the bankrupt oil companyƮa(chn)ʯ˾
ɣbankruptcy n Ʈa(chn)
economy n (jng)(j)(jng)(j)r;ʡ
the market economyЈ(chng)(jng)(j)
ɣeconomize v (ji)economic a (jng)(j)W(xu)
prosperity n sd
economic prosperity(jng)(j)s
prosperous a s
constraint n s;
economic and cultural constraint(jng)(j)ĻƼs
hardship n Dy
economic hardships(jng)(j)y
recession n ˥()
economic recession(jng)(j)˥
budget n A(y)vi vt Ҏ(gu)a M(fi)·
annual budgetÿA(y)
corporation n ˾
multinational corporation(gu)˾
entrepreneur n I(y)
a young property entrepreneurpĵخa(chn)I(y)
commission n ίT(hu);ؿ;
The salesman takes a 5% commission on the sales he makesNTõN~5%Ă
ɣcommissioner n ίT
installment n ڸ;(Bd)
the installment plansڸӋ(j)
warranty n (dn)C
The warranty expires tomorrow (dn)쵽
venture n L(fng)U(xin)ͶY(̘I(y))L(fng)U(xin)(xing)Ŀ;viðU(xin)
a joint ventureYI(y)
ɣventuresome a ðU(xin)
(j)f}(k) | "f}(k)ӢZ(j)ԇ"
2019ӢZļ(j)A(y)y(c) | 2019W(xu)ӢZļ(j)~Rȫ